Honey defies physics. But it’s not just honey; it’s syrup
and sorghum too. For that matter it is anything sticky and edible that a body
might wish to keep contained in its container. Just last night I got so
aggravated at the honey jar I would have thrown it against the wall….but it was
sticking to my fingers.
It was all sticky on
the outside, and it had left its sticky circular foot print on the shelf, and
it stuck all over my fingers, and I can’t stand sticky fingers. I ran the hot
water and rinsed the outside of the jar off and swabbed off the shelf with a
wet rag. Then I got out the “honey spoon” we got somewhere in Arkansas. It’s
made out of cherry wood and has a flat end with a honey comb pattern cut in it.
It is definitely a cool “spoon.” I dipped it in the honey, twirled the spoon
about to keep the sticky goodness in its place and popped it in my mouth. Good
stuff. I then rinsed the spoon clean, set the honey jar on the window seal
above the sink and went on about my business.
I returned just a little while later for another small
smackeral only to find the jar STICKY again and the tell-tale sticky foot print
back, but this time on the previously clean window seal. Honey obviously is no
respecter of glass. It respects the stupid plastic bear even less. How does it
pass through solid materials to the other side and set up shop?
Sorghum does the same thing. There is no pancake syrup that
a chubby glass or plastic woman can keep hemmed up for long. Karo has never
seen a bottle it could not thwart with its sticky goodness. And chocolate syrup
refuses to recognize its place.
Right now in our pantry four containers of sticky edibles
have gripped their shelf with sugary toes and have to be wrenched loose in
order to be pressed into service. I would clean the shelf, but why bother…..
the laws of physics won’t apply this time either.